Tuesday, January 27, 2015

24 hour technology overload

8:30 - woken up by roommate. check phone for emails and texts. go back to bed.
8:50 - wake up and check weather. get ready and go to class.
9:10 - phone call on the way to class
11:50 - 4 texts and a phone call
12:00-12:30 - get lunch. group messaging.
1-3 - watched netflix in bed.
3:30 - instagram, snapchat
6-7 - snapchat, instagram, twitter
9:30 - shower. play pandora on phone onto bluetooth speaker.
8-11:30 - texting, phone calls
12:00 - watched a movie with my suite.

What I noticed about my use of technology is that I constantly feel the need to just click my home button and see if I have any messages on my phone. I am the kind of person who hates unread or unopened emails and I am constantly checking to see if there are any updates or unopened messages. I am also always checking for updates on social media. I always have snapchat, instagram, and Facebook up on my phone to see if anything good is online. Unfortunately this doesn't go so well with my family data plan and out of the 10 GBs my family has a month I use up about 8. I am now on restriction and have formed the habit of opening up my phone just to make sure all of my apps are closed. I also watch a lot of netflix and am constantly laying in bed binging on some new tv show.
I can't take a shower or get ready for the day without music so I always have my phone on pandora and play music on my bluetooth speaker in the bathroom.

I found that my obsession with technology is that I constantly need my mind to be focused on something otherwise I feel "bored". This feeling of doing nothing or being anxious because I can't find my phone or I don't have wifi so I can't check instagram is insane. This constant need is filling my life with bright white screens that are feeding my short attention span at all times. It seems obsessive and compulsive and crazy. But it's how the majority of the population works now-a-days. I babysit six year olds who had the Iphone 6 before I did. My one year old niece knows how to swipe up on a ipad screen to get rid of a notification when she is watching her favorite show. Technology has taken over society to the point that most of us could not function throughout the day without using a computer or cell phone.

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